GROW! Community Garden is located in Manitowish Waters, in the heart of the northwoods of Northern Wisconsin.
The idea for our garden was conceived in 2018 and was constructed by a dedicated group of volunteers in the spring of 2019.
2024 is our sixth growing season. We have 74 raised garden beds (some shared) in a variety of sizes and heights and 102 gardeners.
We can be reached by email at [email protected]
Sarah's Community Garden Late Season Wrap UP
Help Us GROW! Our Garden
Our Phase III is focused on constructing a multi-use pavilion. We are currently fund-raising for Phase III, a multi-purpose pavilion. We envision this structure to be used for shelter, garden lectures, socials and various other community functions.
Help Us Continue
Phase III
Make A Donation
We are currently fund-raising for Phase III, a multi-purpose pavilion. We envision this structure to be used for shelter, garden lectures, socials and various other community functions
Share Your
Talents and Skills
Volunteer Together
If you haven't Volunteered before but would like to participate, please consider joining us this year! Click below for a list of opportunities to join in the fun this season, whether you are a gardener or not.
Local Businesses
Community Outreach
Sponsorship Program
In return for your donation of materials, services or money, this program gives local business the ability to reach community residents and area visitors visually. Your company logo will be displayed in the garden, on our webpage and links, newsletters, and in various other online and printed promotional materials.
In return for your donation of materials, services or money, this program gives local business the ability to reach community residents and area visitors visually. Your company logo will be displayed in the garden, on our webpage and links, newsletters, and in various other online and printed promotional materials.